Wednesday, October 1, 2008

To make matters worse...

...remember this card I just wrote about in the last post? I'm sure you remember it. How could you forget already? I mean, I have a short term memory, but that would just be way too short.

Anyway, to add salt to the wound, after I sent the confirmation that I had received it, I got a message in my email.

Side note: I didn't write anything in the response. I really couldn't say thank you because, well, although I am grateful for an addition to our collection, I really am not thankful at being used.

So, I get a message that reads:

"Glad you got my card so fast! If you wish to discover more about Australia, you can swap (or buy) some of my postcards (UNESCO, Maps, Islands, airports, stadiums, lighthouses, animals, cruise ship, warships and lots more) !
see them here...
Here is my direct Email (easier than going via postcrossing):

L from down-under"

(I took out the links)
I feel even MORE used! Seriously? The advertisement on your postcard wasn't enough? The links were the exact same as what was on the card; no need to keep pressing the point that all you want me for is to buy things off of you! I get the picture.

After linking to her profile page, I can see it all. I understand. My suggestion, make it a little more personal and a little less might get a better response. Although, who knows, I may be the only one that feels this way. I can see, however, that she made no effort to check out my links and my blog; so now I really don't feel bad.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you feel, cause i have felt the same, when this person had sent me the exactly same card with the same message that sent to you... :/ it is sooo.... Agrhhh!
