Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sending Number 82(385944)

It took me a bit longer to get this card ready to go, but I am sending this card off to GERMANY to what seems like a very sweet person. I hope she enjoys it:
I am including this message:

Hello from San Diego, California in the USA! I, too, play the piano! I mostly love playing Jazz and Baroque period pieces. This is a picture of one of our military aircraft carriers. Hope you enjoy it!
Jennifer and Robert

Did I mention she said she is a pianist? That's why I included that second sentence. I have played the piano since I was 7 years old. I don't have a piano of my own right now (we would never fit it into this small apartment); but I do dream of the day that I get to have my very own in my house again. I miss being able to just sit down and play any time I like.

Do you have a hobby like that?

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