Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sending Number 16 (359978)

We are sending a card to SWITZERLAND. We have never sent a card there and this is the one we will be sending:
The person we are sending it to talks about how she likes music and would like to see pretty landscapes. I think this is pretty, don't you?

This is the message I wrote:

Hello from San Diego, California. We are both preschool teachers and we both love music as well. We are constantly downloading music from all over the world. Our favorites are from India and Greece. We are documenting our postcrossing experiences on a blog. Stop by and say hi!.....

Robert and Jennifer

I must confess that it's my husband that likes to download music more than I do, but I do reap the benefits of it! He does like downloading music from all around the world.


  1. That's a beautiful card. I know they are going to love it.

  2. This is such a cool way to learn geography. I could use help with that myself. You chose great cards for all of these people. They all represent San Diego and California but in different ways. The card you chose for the person who likes symbols was a perfect example. This would be even more fun than having a pen pal!
