Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sending Number 14 (359976)

I have been given an address to send a card to GERMANY. The user didn't have much in his profile, and I'm okay with that. I like when a person doesn't put many demands on the card to send because then I can be as creative as I like. This is the card I chose:
The only thing that he mentioned was that he likes stamps from all around the world, and not even any special stamps, just regular stamps.

This may be one of my favorite people to send postcards to with so little request. This is the message I sent:

Hello from San Diego, California! This is a card from Sea World. Have you heard about it? I thought you might like the walruses. I always find them to be such interesting creatures. Come say hi on our blog where we have featured this card!

Robert and Jennifer Ryan

I hope he enjoys the card; I think the picture is unique!

1 comment:

  1. Your postcard arrived today. Thank you! I like it. :-)

    Walruses seem to be funny but also interesting animals.

    I read your blog and it's very interesting to see the postcards you sent and recieved.

    Tim (T-M)
