Friday, March 13, 2009

Number 14 Arrived! (359976)

Remember the Walruses I sent off to GERMANY? The receiver sent this message in return:

Thank you for your postcard! :-)

The walruses look funny. ;-) (They even have a funny name: German "Walross"
means "whale-horse".) I'm sure they are interesting creatures.

I think that means it was well received. I love to get messages of thanks back that reference the card.

Oh, it also means a lot when they come visit this blog and leave a comment. That's just awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I usually reference the card or the message written on it in my message to the sender. But the problem is that I often don't know what to write.

    (Only one time I intentionally wrote nearly nothing, when I received a envelope from Brasil, containing some kind of chain letter and a postcard without a single word on it, but the senders adress and a printed list of the kinds of cards he wanted me to send him as response.)

    I also visited your blog and left a comment at the post about the card you sent to me, I hope you noticed it. And I sent you a message, that if you want to receive a "thank you" postcard, you can send me your adress. I don't know if you received it, but now you know it anyway. :-)

    Sorry for my bad English, I hope you understand what I'm writing.
