Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Number 7 to Send (347674)

This next postcard is going to believeinthefuture. Funny enough, she is actually from Ohio, she just lives in the CHINA. I think it's funny that the two people that I got today just happen to have lived here.

She is a teacher and says she enjoys doing crafty things, and post cards that make people ask questions. All postcards are welcome!
So, I thought of a couple choices, and one more I don't have a picture of...yet.
A. Recognize this one? Yes, I did have this as an option previously, but I figured this was a good one for her students to learn a bit about things in our country. This is actually a carnival area.
B. I just thing this one is cute.
C. Picture to come:
I thought it might be nice to open a sweatshop in the classroom (oops, I mean ask some sweet preschool children) to make a postcard with a drawing or handprint on it. What do you think?
So the question, dear readers, is which card to pick? And what message to put on the card? Again, I will be mailing this on Thursday.


  1. Awww, the pinguins are adorable. They make me think of my youngest grand-daughter. They went to see the movie 'Penguins' when she was 4. She called me on the phone to tell me "Pinglins is kew-wel."

    I think the idea of having the children draw postcards is wonderful.

  2. Hee hee hee... the penguins were a good choice instead of a sweatshop full of preschool kids as a postcard. :) One of my nicknames is "small penguin" in Chinese, so even more of a perfect choice. :) Your blog is interesting to read, although I have to admit I was a bit worried what you were going to write about the "teacher in China" - that would be me. :)
