Sunday, February 8, 2009

Number 5 to Send (324064)

A high school female in FINLAND is asking for postcards that are oddities with poems, proverbs, or recipes. Here's the oddest I can come up with:
A. Maybe not "odd" but definitely different and beautiful
B. This is one of my favorites, I almost hate to send it I love it so much; but this is about sharing, and I can totally share this knowing it might bring a smile to some one's face.
C. What can be odder than walruses? Really! They are one of the oddest creatures on Earth!
What do you think? And I can really use some suggestions on messages. Anyone have a perfect poem or recipe? How about a perfect American proverb? I know I must know some, but I can't think of any true American proverbs.
In this post, I basically just summed up the profile.


  1. This one is tougher. All three if these are beautiful photos of animals. I like (B)the turtle the best because it's pretty but unusual too. The walruses are downright odd though so that certainly would qualify in that category. I would have to think about the message. I think an American proverb would be a great idea I just don't know which one. Hmmm...

  2. They are all beautiful. I favor the first one. I'd suggest you scan the postcard before sending it. That way, you still have the photo after sending the card.
    This might be a good poem to put on that card:
    The Shark Poem

    By Adrian C.
    Grade 9, Arizona

    Shark Poem

    A shark is a fish with really big teeth.
    They’ll eat you whole head, hands, and feet.
    When there hungry they’ll track you down.
    They’ll sniff you out like a blood- hound.
    They lurk in the water, hungry, and waiting.
    They might even get you when you are bathing.
    Many species and most are friendly, but I don’t care.
    All of those sharks can give me a scare.
    I really like the sharks of the deep.
    The knowledge of them is to treasure and keep.
