Sunday, November 2, 2008

My mistake...(264631)

Well where do I start? How about with a walk down memory lane to this card. If' you'll recall, it was on it's way to Malaysia, she was an architecture student, and I gave her the great story about the "tool box" that is downtown.

So, the other day, I get this in my email:
"Hi. I received a lovely postcard of San Diego from you and Jennifer. It shows the 'tool box' (aptly nicknamed!) Thank you so much for it. I'm just wondering though, is this an official card (there was no ID, only the link to your site) or something from the forum (if so do tell me your user name!).
Thanks again. :)

What! I forgot to put the id number on? Apparently, it's a good thing that we do put our blog address on so that she could reach us. It probably didn't help that I also forgot to put the id number in the title of that post as well (don't go check it out, I fixed that little error already).

Of course, I immediately sent a reply:
Goodness, I am so sorry. I'm usually very good at remembering to put on the number.The ID is US-264631
Thank you for letting us know

To which I quickly got this reply:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently

Yeah, note to self, check and make sure it's not from a no-reply address. However, it was easily fixed because all I had to do was find the user to which I had sent a card to Malaysia (there was only one) and the send a message:
Goodness, I am so sorry. I'm usually very good at remembering to put on the number.The ID is US-264631
Thank you for letting us know

Needless to say, everything quickly got sorted out. I can't believe I forgot to put the id number on. I always put it on...TWICE! Those of you who have received cards from us now that. I put it once at the top and once on the bottom. This is just in case a post office were to put a sticker or stamp over one of these corners. I know that here in the USA they will sometimes put a bar code sticker across the bottom, so I want to make sure that it gets found no matter what.

Well, that's -1 for me. Still, I think that's pretty good. I mean, I am running a 98% accuracy here!

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