Monday, October 13, 2008

Who doesn't love a curious child? (TH-12534)

Maybe it's because we're preschool teachers. I don't know why, but I LOVE to watch children explore the world. And this postcard does just what I love to do: observes a child in a task that is boring to adults but fascinating to them.
I mean, seriously, can you just see the wheels turning in that little head? As my husband commicaly pointed out, "He'd be more succesful if the water were actually going IN the container." But, isn't that pure childhood innocence? This is topping up a favorites list. I could look at this for HOURS! And I have!

The stamp is interesting because the whole string of stamps create their own picture. How cool is that!

And the handwriting:
Analysis: Persistent, can be hurt by critisism, very determined, dreamer, visionary.

The message:


The card shows you a Tribe boy which lives on the hill-trives in North part of Thailand. We have many kind of Hill-tribes, most of them are well-educated now :> They are also welcome and most visited by tourists.


I can't thank the sender enough for a fabulous card and picture!

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