Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All the way from Portugal...'s this card:
I had to go home alone last night; my husband had to work late and was going to stay over at his brother's house afterwards so he wouldn't be driving so late and tired when he finally did leave. So, it was a nice comfort to have a postcard waiting for me in the mailbox when I got there.

What's the first thing I did? Took a picture with my phone and sent it to my husband! He has to share in the joy, too! It wasn't until after I had sent him pictures of the front and back that I looked to see where it was coming from...Portugal! See the stamp:

And this is the handwriting (still have to start looking up the meaning of handwriting):

And now the message:

Hello! I'm Ana, I have 22 years old and live in P.

In the Post you can see a traditional boat called: "BARGO RABELO". It was used to transport the famous porto wine, now some of them are used for tourism. If one day you visit my country I advise you to do a cruise by the river Douno, because you can see magnificient views and take good pictures :)

I hope you like the postcard *

Beijiuhos :)


Well, I can tell you Ana that I do like the postcard. I love the houses (is tat what they are?) on the side of the mountain there. It looks so awesome. I think that this is one of those places that, if you live there, you don't really see the beauty that it is. You adjust to seeing it all the time. You become part of that culture and almost forget that no one else live in a place that looks like this. It has a very "homey" feeling to it; it's great!

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Portugal, just to say it is called 'Barco Rabelo' and not Bargo :P Barco means Boat. Have a great day :D
    Its a nice card.
