Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All the way from New Zealand!

My husband said to me, "We got our first one from Australia." I said, "cool...wait, no! This is from New Zealand!" We said, "well, I think of them as the same place." I responded, "No! It's like people saying that the USA is the same as Canada and Mexico." And, while I don't think I mind too much about the Canada thing, we definitly aren't the same as the other one.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind these other countries. I just know that they are the USA! Besides, we are having a whole political battle regarding people from another country (not Canada) coming in to our place illegally and taking our money, jobs, etc... It's been a real battle that really isn't for this blog, so on to better things. Our post card from NEW ZEALAND!
My favorite part was the stamp. I still need to get out a magnifying glass to read what it says around the edge, but I just love the look of it. Too bad the picture isn't that great. I'm hoping we can get a better working scanner sometime in the near future:
Of course, the handwriting:
I haven't given up the handwriting analysis bit, I just have discoverd that I really need to go to the store and buy a book since there really isn't anything that I have found on line to be a sort of do-it-yourself kind of thing. I know that what I would come up with would be far from official, but it still would be fun! Don't you think? If you have any suggested websites, I would be very open to hearing about them.

Of course, the message:
Hi Robert
V here from new Zealand, here is a pic of our beautiful forest. I live in Wellington the Cap city. My country is very lovely. Just start our spring + summer
Best wishes
I'm telling you, if I lived anywhere near where this picture was taken, I don't know how much I would get done. I would be mezmorized by the waterfall and the beauty!

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