Friday, August 15, 2008

Number 9 to be sent (235857)

A card headed to Slovenia. I have to admit, I had to look up where Slovenia was actually located. So, this postcrossing thing is actually educating me! That's awesome! So, this person mentioned wanted postcards that represented "you or your town". I figured this was the best card because it shows the best of San Diego! Being a native (both of us) to this area makes it all the more perfect.

The message:

Hello D. This shows the best of our town. We both grew up here and feel very much a part of this great city. Each part of it is so unique and filled with a history that can only be defined as San Diego. It's a great place to live!

J + R R

Note: Okay, there's no way I can describe in such a small space on the back of a postcard that San Diego has so much to offer. It has EVERYTHING! Desert, mountain, ocean, lake, beach, old buildings, new architecture, culture, and so much more! Really, any San Diegans out there, can you find a short way to describe the greatness that is us?

ETA: 7 days (once I finally mailed it)

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